Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nana's and Papa's Visit to see the Grandsons

I just wanted to let everyone know what a wonderful time Papa Jim and I had at the Ripley house over the last week! We were there from Sunday, November 23, 2008 thru Sunday, November 30, 2008, and had a wonderful time - We were fortunate enough to not only have the chance to visit with our daughter Lacy and the boys, Vincent and Anthony, but also were able to spend time with Dan as well! What a treat! Thanks, Dan and Lacy, for the wonderful visit. We had a great time and really appreciate getting to see you all. We miss you already!

Here is the sweetest big brother in the world. He was getting ready to kiss his baby brother! Aren't they adorable? I have been having such a great time with both my little Ripley grandsons (Vincent and Anthony) this week!

This is kind of backwards, but this is a picture of Anthony right after his first bath, all cozy and warm and calm.

This is Anthony getting his first bath, throwing a real fit! He did not like it one bit! LOL! Note big brother Vince trying to offer advice on the bathing technique. LOL!

Here is Papa Jim holding little Anthony the first day we got to Lacy and Dan's house in southern Illinois. He was in grampa Heaven!

Here is Nana with both grandbabies on the first day of our week-long visit with Dan & Lacy. I have to say one week is so not enough, to be sure. Thanks again, Dan and Lacy, for such a great visit. I didn't take my blood pressure meds all week and the ole' BP was very mellow, too. LOL

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